
通过控制工程人员 二一年十月一日

沃敏斯特市,Pa。53MC5000系列控制器的' B '版本是最近发布的Micro-DCI系列过程控制站产品的核心。可联网控制器,包含热插拔操作界面显示,ABB的Easy-Tune自调谐算法,以及多达四个控制回路。标准的、预配置的控制策略包括PID(具有P、PI、PD和I控制器版本;模拟备份(控制器作为另一个控制器的信号选择器);比PID;自动/手动站;双环控制(两个相同的PID控制器);两个PID回路的双回路级联布置;双回线覆盖;四回路控制; and Dual two-loop cascade (four PID loops in two traditional primary/secondary loop arrangement). Advanced control, such as dead-time compesation and more numeric/logic operations can be applied to the data using F-TRAN programming language. Micro-DCI Series 53MC5000B comes standard with four analog, two discrete inputs; two analog, two discrete outputs; RS-422/485 data highway; and RS-232 connections. Several module options allow expansion to nine analog/two discrete inputs; four analog/two discrete outputs; and 16 user-defined discrete I/O points.