UniversalAutomation。Orgwelcomes oil and gas giant

UniversalAutomation。Org(UAO), an independent association managing a reference implementation of an industrial automation shared source IEC 61499 standard runtime, welcomes oil and gas giant ExxonMobil as a member.

通过UniversalAutomation.org 2022年4月27日
由Brett Sayles提供

UniversalAutomation。Org(UAO)是一个独立的非营利性协会,管理工业自动化共享源IEC 61499标准运行时的参考实现埃克森美孚作为一名成员。埃克森美孚一直在使用IEC 61499运行时作为开放过程自动化测试平台的一部分,之前已经在埃克森美孚的试点工厂成功部署了一个原型运行时。

埃克森美孚和通用自动化公司之间的技术合作。Orgmembers will drive further development of an ecosystem of portable, interoperable, “plug and produce” solutions, creating an entirely new category of industrial automation for real-world applications.

“我们很高兴加入大运自动化。Organd collaborate with other member companies on a software-driven approach to building an automation system,” said Ryan Smeltzer, OPA program manager for ExxonMobil Research and Engineering Company in a press release. “IEC 61499 standard runtime allows ExxonMobil to continue to innovate and drive open process automation. We can now use best-in-class components sourced from different suppliers without the constraints of custom integration, increasing manufacturing operations efficiency through portability of applications.”

UniversalAutomation.Org总裁John Conway表示:“我们很高兴欢迎埃克森美孚成为会员,因为越来越多的市场领先组织寻求通过获得最新的工业自动化技术和解决方案来增强他们的人才。”“UniversalAutomation。Orgprovides the basis for portable automation software components that can run on any universal automation-compliant hardware, creating an entirely vendor-agnostic ecosystem for automation software development. By facilitating the integration of real-time operational technology (OT) with ‘right-time’ information technology (IT), we help our member organizations unleash the full potential of Industry 4.0.”
