
PROFIBUS国际组织呼吁EN 50 170和IEC 61158整合

继1997年10月拒绝就建议IEC 61158现场总线标准的第三次国际投票中,PROFIBUS国际组织(PI)最近呼吁欧洲国际现场总线标准,EN 50 170,被采用,并符合IEC 61158集成为的伞式组织the Profibus users group, PI states that this is the only constructiv...

工作人员 1998年2月1日

继1997年10月拒绝就建议IEC 61158现场总线标准的第三次国际投票中,PROFIBUS国际组织(PI)最近呼吁欧洲国际现场总线标准,EN 50 170,被采用,并符合IEC 61158集成为的伞式组织the Profibus users group, PI states that this is the only constructive way to meet users’ demands. Last fall’s failed ballot was the third, and probably final, attempt to secure a global agreement. “Because no fourth vote is possible, we now believe that it’s necessary to fully integrate the only international standard, EN 50 170, into IEC 61158,” says Michael Bryant, PI’s deputy chair. “We are prepared to commit to the IEC the resources and support to achieve this. We’re certain that Profibus, EN 50 170, and the IEC’s work constitute a solid basis for a future IEC standard.”