
宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市,WDG-Humox percent moisture analyzer for processes with 5 to 85% moisture and operating temperatures of up to 1,760 8C has been added to the company's Thermox product line of flue-gas analyzers. The process and emissions monitoring device is designed for direct-fired combustion applications in which accurate measurement of moisture and percent oxygen previously had been d...

通过工作人员 一九九八年九月一日

宾夕法尼亚州的匹兹堡市,wgd - humox百分比湿度分析仪适用于湿度为5%至85%,工作温度高达17608℃的过程,已添加到该公司的Thermox烟气分析仪产品线中。该过程和排放监测装置是为直接燃烧应用而设计的,在这种应用中,以前很难获得准确的湿度和氧气百分比的测量。WDG-Humox使用氧化锆电池包装在一个分析仪来测量百分比水分含量。内部样品调节提供了一个干燥的样品,由一个细胞测量。配套系列2000控制单元计算湿度比较湿和干读数。Ametek过程与分析仪器公司