LCD tutorial: High bright displays are vital HMI building blocks

As HMIs find more and more application in modern industrial applications, the demand for high bright displays in industrial computers and monitors continues to grow.

ByControl Engineering Staff 2007年4月12日,

As HMIs find more and more application in modern industrial applications, the demand for high bright displays in industrial computers and monitors continues to grow. Such displays feature a brightness of at least 350 candelas per square meter (or nits), a level needed for operation in many transportation, medical, military, and semiconductor uses. For these applications, says Advantech’s eAutomation Group in a recent white paper, LCDs are typically the best choice.

LCDs offer needed brightness, meet viewing angle requirements, come in a variety of sizes and form factors, and offer various mounting options, the white paper notes. Prices are dropping as manufacturing matures and volumes increase; and technology developments such as transflective displays hold the promise of even better performance under a variety of lighting conditions.

Many factors impact the LCD that is used, and not all LCDs are the same, adds Advantech. Points to consider when making a selection include display size, power supply, location of the on-screen display (OSD) controls, and kind of environment in which the equipment will operate.

High bright displays are vital building blocks to a successful HMI, according to Advantech. Choosing the best LCD and optimum features are critical elements to “getting the picture” to the operator most efficiently and effectively. For more details on display technologies that are available, which is best for industrial applications, what’s happening in the display market and with display technologies, and what a user should look for in a display, read the complete white paper, “ High bright displays: Get the picture ,” now in theControl EngineeringResource Center.

—Edited byJeanine Katzel, senior editor
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