EC: InduSoft Web Studio v7.0

软件-人机界面软件:InduSoft Web Studio v7.0是一个真正独特的开发和运行时软件,它包含了用户创建SCADA人机界面应用程序、仪表板和OEE接口所需的所有工具。这是控制工程2011年工程师选择(EC)荣誉奖。


这个高度灵活的软件包允许用户开发一次应用程序,然后部署到任何受支持的Microsoft操作系统上,包括Microsoft Windows CE、Windows Embedded、Windows 7和Server版本。InduSoft Web Studio (IWS)提供对来自任何地方的数据的访问,包括pc、嵌入式设备、移动设备和远程Web浏览器。InduSoft Web Studio包括240多个驱动程序,适用于所有主要plc。IWS提供新的OPC UA通信以及OPC经典(DA和HDA)。新的安全特性与微软活动目录集成,以简化部署。轻松连接到任何SQL数据库,FTP和SMTP的新配置接口允许您快速将警报和报告发送到电子邮件、智能手机或打印机。-易于使用:IWS一直很容易使用,现在更容易了。我们新的功能区界面具有逻辑工具/对象分组功能,以及同时打开多个文档的功能。投资保障:一次开发,随处部署。将为Windows CE创建的项目部署到任何受支持的Microsoft操作系统上,包括Embedded、Windows 7和Server版本。 New intellectual property protection: Documents, scripts and screens can be individually password protected, preventing unauthorized viewing or editing of your corporate custom functionality. Comprehensive: Everything is included; alarms, animation, database connectivity, recipes, reports, trending, logging, security, web/remote connectivity, email, VBScript and more, without the hassle of purchasing add-ons! Reduce downtime: Quickly debug and verify a project using built-in local and remote tools for troubleshooting, including status fields, DatabaseSpy and LogWin. Use open technologies to play maintenance videos, show html based web help or PDF manuals directly in an IWS project. Improve efficiency: By using OEE (overall equipment effectiveness) and KPI (key performance indicators) dashboards you can increase output and improve quality. Translation ease: New one-click online translation, including support for Unicode fonts for global compatibility. ? catid = 1,名字=手册/ webstudio

