Universal temperature transmitter is HART smart

赛普维达,加州——太赫兹智能哈特温度Transmitter is said to configure in minutes to accept a direct signal input from nearly every available RTD and thermocouple sensor with isolated 4-20 mA or digital HART output, as well as ohm and mV sources. The device features an input-to-output analog accuracy of up to ±0.

By工作人员 2001年1月1日

赛普维达,加州——太赫兹智能哈特温度Transmitter is said to configure in minutes to accept a direct signal input from nearly every available RTD and thermocouple sensor with isolated 4-20 mA or digital HART output, as well as ohm and mV sources. The device features an input-to-output analog accuracy of up to

Other features include advanced EMI/RFI protection and ambient temperature compensation to protect against measurement accuracy degradation over time. The transmitter sets up via a standard HART handheld, an AMS, or a PC using the developer’s free Intelligent Configuration Software.

The transmitter’s dual-compartment field-mount enclosure has an extra-large 5-digit display, modular electronics, isolation seal that protects its electronics from humidity, moisture, and corrosives brought in through conduit entries. Also available is an optional integral surge suppressor that protects against lightning, power spikes, and over-voltage damage. Screw-on glass-window covers provide easy access to transmitter electronics, test tabs, and terminal block connections. The device’s companion Flex-Spring Sensors features a unique flexible design that allows users to slide out any length RTD or thermocouple sensor from the thermowell without having to remove the transmitter or enclosure. www.miinet.com Moore Industries