Test facility opens for solar-powered water treatment

Monroeville, PA—Cardinal Resources LLC is opening a new test facility for developing a solar-powered water treatment system.

ByControl Engineering Staff April 25, 2006

Monroeville, PA — Cardinal Resources LLC is opening a new test facility for developing a solar-powered water treatment system. Work at the Riverwalk Corporate Center location will include physical testing and pilot-scale assembly of components related to the Red Bird System, a completely self-contained, high-tech solar-powered water treatment system. The facility will also be used in the design of the Grey Bird System, the company’s low-energy approach to wastewater treatment.

Lack of clean drinking water affects more than a billion people and causes the death of a child every six seconds, the company reports. Industrial facilities are forced to haul water to operations in areas without an infrastructure at a significant and ever increasing per gallon cost, it added. Cardinal Resources’ Red Bird system reportedly produces clean water for fractions of a cent per gallon and is called a high-tech solution designed to function in a low-tech environment.

“Currently, five of the Red Birds have been pre-sold to existing customers for deployment in Mexico, Arizona, and Haiti,” said Kevin Jones, president of Cardinal Resources. “The addition of the Grey Bird family of low-energy wastewater systems gives our company a unique capability in the water supply and treatment field,” he added.

—Control Engineering Daily News DeskJeanine Katzel, senior editor, jkatzel@reedbusiness.com