Project: Baton Rouge Wastewater Pump Station SCADA System, August 29, 2005

ByControl Engineering Staff August 29, 2005

August 29, 2005

A difficult week in Louisiana. As I am writing this, a Category 5 hurricane is passing by and we are without utility power. This appears to be the worst storm in more than 25 years to hit the gulf coast. Some of our customers in the New Orleans area in for a rough few weeks—levee breaks are letting the Mississippi River flow into neighborhoods bringing 12 feet of water.

上周我们花了大部分的准备rge start-up in the Mobile area that is likely to be postponed due to the hurricane.

As is the case when a major hurricane appears in the gulf, business life tends to slow as other concerns loom. Therefore, we are not expecting to make much progress on the project this week as people focus on cleanup. A good project planner in this area of the country allows a few weeks for lost time due to hurricanes. For the moment, we are grateful for UPS backup systems.