
威灵顿,海鲜,MKDR monochrome operator interfaces have been added to Exor's UniOP family of operator interfaces. They offer a four-line pixel-based LCD. Each line contains up to 40 characters, and each page up to 32 lines. The keyboard macro editor allows the user to configure the UniOp keys to perform a variety of functions, such as turning pages, setting attributes, setting LEDs an...

由工作人员 一九九九年十月一日

威灵顿,海鲜,MKDR单色操作接口已添加到Exor的UniOP操作接口系列中。他们提供四线像素液晶显示器。每行最多包含40个字符,每页最多包含32行。键盘宏编辑器允许用户配置UniOp键来执行各种功能,如翻页、设置属性、设置led等。尺寸为11.5 x 3.62英寸。,集成键盘提供38个可编程键,26个带用户led。滑动图例可以轻松定制操作,并提供亮度控制,以便在几乎任何条件下都可以轻松查看。Exor