LVDT sensors in 2- or 3-wire configurations

Family of rugged, hermetically sealed LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) sensors provides 4-20 mA input/output for easy field integration with PLCs, digital indicators, host computer-based data processing, and QC data collection systems.

ByControl Engineering Staff February 19, 2007

Family of rugged, hermetically sealed LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) sensors provides 4-20 mA input/output for easy field integration with PLCs, digital indicators, host computer-based data processing, and QC data collection systems. Units can be configured for loop-powered two-wire or externally powered three-wire sourcing output to address I/O requirements in various applications. Devices come in hard-connected and spring-loaded versions and are hermetically sealed against dirt, water, steam, solvents, and other corrosives. They offer precise output with a maximum linearity error of

Macro Sensors