ESC 2004: ActivMedia, VersaLogic embed intelligence in mobile robot

Boston, MA—VersaLogic Corp. is exhibiting ActivMedia Robotics’ PatrolBot at Embedded Systems Conference 2004, Sept. 14-15. The two firms reports that PatrolBot is the first fully autonomous robotic surveillance and monitoring system available off-the-shelf.

By Control Engineering Staff September 14, 2004

Boston, MA—VersaLogic Corp.在新兴市场是展示ActivMedia机器人PatrolBot吗bedded Systems Conference 2004, Sept. 14-15. The two firms reports that PatrolBot is the first fully autonomous robotic surveillance and monitoring system available off-the-shelf. PatrolBot’s intelligence resides inside its embedded PC from VersaLogic.

“We chose VersaLogic embedded computers because they are robust and reliable, and because VersaLogic stays on top of ever-advancing technologies,” says Matt Vestal, ActivMedia’s lead systems engineer. “They’re very responsive when it comes to support in embedding their products into our platforms, and they listen to our feedback.”

The partners add that security concerns are leading laboratories, defense fabrication plants, data centers and other sensitive areas to remove human guards from their premises. However, installing thousands of cameras to provide comprehensive surveillance can be costly in a large facility crowded with equipment. In these large locations, mobile PatrolBots with embedded PCs from VersaLogic can augment and fixed back-up systems.

PatrolBots也被用来携带的传感器n’t practical for permanent installations, as well as new monitoring equipment needed on short notice. PatrolBot can travel to destinations in a “known” building, circumventing obstacles in its path. Security personnel, watching and listening from a control room, may intercede to manually drive the robot and camera, or PatrolBot can be integrated to respond automatically to existing alarms. Security systems feed their commands to PatrolBot’s embedded computer, which also handles processing for cameras, sound and networking via wireless Ethernet.

Similar to many OEMs, ActivMedia Robotics needed an embedded solution with long-term availability and support. In fact, PatrolBot was recently upgraded from a a VersaLogic Pentium EBX single board computer to VersaLogic’s new new Cobra EBX computer with an 1.6 GHz Pentium M processor.

Control Engineering Daily News Desk
Jim Montague, news editor