Case study video: Biometric security switch excludes unauthorized users

Mauell Corp. case study video details using biometric switch, helps keep unauthorized or untrained employees from specific areas, machinery.

January 25, 2011

Mauell Corp. case study video shows how using a biometric switch keeps out unauthorized users from areas where they do not have authorization or appropriate safety training to use machinery. In this case, not everyone was locking the door when they should to the machine room.

The switch also has been installed on specific machines, allowing only authorized personnel to turn on power. Because there’s no concern about losing keys or pressuring friends for access, the biometric switch, which reads fingerprints, is easier than a conventional lock.

Mauell is looking at integrating the technology into control room and control panels as well.

Biometric Push Button Case Study: Mauell Corporation (3:05 minutes)

Also read: Safety sensor:Schneider Electric Harmony Biometric Switch– A switch uses fingerprint recognition technology to increase access control.