AS-interface analog modules

致动器传感器()接口G4模拟模块have two 0-20mA current outputs, two 4-20mA current inputs, two 0-10V outputs, or two 0-10V inputs. Units are field mountable and suited for rough conditions. Connection to the outputs or measured value transmitters is established through PG cable glands and cage tension spring terminals.

ByStaff August 1, 2005

致动器传感器()接口G4模拟模块have two 0-20mA current outputs, two 4-20mA current inputs, two 0-10V outputs, or two 0-10V inputs. Units are field mountable and suited for rough conditions. Connection to the outputs or measured value transmitters is established through PG cable glands and cage tension spring terminals. Plug-in hand-held programming device lets users pre-address the units. Other features include IP65 protection; simple connectivity; function display for bus; external auxiliary voltage and outputs; and power supply external or from the module. Pepperl+Fuchs