June 20, 2023 11AM PT | 1PM CT | 2PM ET

Defending Against Ransomware on OT Systems and Critical Infrastructure


Ransomware attacks are surging, with major companies like SolarWinds, Colonial Pipeline and JBS Foods caught in the crosshairs in the last few years. But ransomware isn’t just an IT problem, where threat actors are trying to steal confidential information or user data. Attackers are looking for pain points where they can extract the greatest amount of money in the least amount of time. That’s why they are increasingly targeting industrial control systems, OT operations and critical infrastructure. Why is ransomware on the rise, and what can be done about it? This webcast will examine the rising tide of ransomware and how your organization can step up to protect it’s critical OT/ICS operations, without risking human safety, creating downtime or endangering the financial bottom line.

Learning objectives:

  • Understand why ransomware is on the rise
  • Learn about common strains of ransomware and what they’re trying to do to your systems
  • Learn why ICS/OT systems and critical infrastructure are particularly vulnerable
  • 阻止mine how teams can defend their ICS/OT systems
  • Understand steps organizations to prepare for and respond to ransomware attacks

Presented By:
Mike Hoffman, SANS Institute, Principal Industrial Consultant, Dragos Inc.
Gabriel Sanchez, Director of Industrial Security, 1898 & Co.

Moderated By:
Gary Cohen, Content Manager, CFE Media and Technology

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