Roberta Nelson Shea

Roberta Nelson Shea is the Global Technical Compliance Officer at Universal Robots responsible for product safety and reducing barriers to global acceptance and deployment. She has spent more than 30 years as a manufacturing automation professional, 23 of them additionally chairing the American National Robot Safety Committee. She has also been elected one of the top 100 Women in Safety by the American Society of Safety Engineers (now known as ASSP). As chair of ANSI/RIA R15.06 has developed and defined various technical standards for industrial robots. Most recently, as chair of the committee ISO/TC 299 (ISO/TC 184/SC2), she led the introduction of ISO/TS 15066, which, as an extension of the established ISO 10218, is the first document defining standardized safety requirements within human-robot collaboration.


Robotics May 1, 2020

Compliance for robotic companies

Making robots compliant regardless of the environment is a challenge, but there are several things companies can look out for. See three questions companies should ask.

By Roberta Nelson Shea
Robotics July 20, 2012

Robotic Industries Association to adopt ISO functional safety standard

The RIA R15.06 robotic safety standard committee decided to adopt the ISO robot standards as the new ANSI/ RIA R15.06 standard without additional North American materials. Supplements are planned to provide guidance in the U.S. and Canada. New elements include collaborative robot systems, and new terms.

By Roberta Nelson Shea
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