Game-changing innovations that drive digital transformation

Digital transformation in the manufacturing, industrial automation and smart building industries is necessary to keep up in a rapidly digitizing world. See video.

ByControl Engineering September 6, 2023
Courtesy of: ICONICS

Learning objectives:

  • Gain an understanding of how digital transformation applies to you and your business processes
  • Discover how analytics are used to drive better business decisions
  • Identify ways to incorporate remote monitoring into your day-to-day operations
  • Learn how IoT effectively bridges the gap between you and your equipment.

Manufacturing, industrial automation, and smart buildings organizations tasked with digitally transforming their business typically encounter a variety of challenges along the way. Whether you have islands of disparate data sources, legacy systems on soon-to-be-obsolete hardware, or totally disconnected devices and equipment, these hurdles can seem overwhelming.

This presentation will examine one of our premier vendors and how they have helped a multitude of end users meet and exceed their expectations for truly automating and capitalizing on the new world we are living in. One such example will take us through the journey of a leading automotive customer, and how they bridged their existing legacy systems with the systems of tomorrow. Thanks to the convergence of IT and OT, they were able to streamline their business processes and transform terabytes of data into useful, contextualized information.

大discre从小型制造企业te and process automation customers, everyone can benefit and learn from the lessons these companies have successfully addressed in their pursuit of truly leveraging the power of digital transformation. Register today to learn about several game-changing technology innovations that will help take your business to the next level.