Sacheen Patil


Edge and Cloud Computing April 1, 2023

How the cloud can improve embedded systems

新兴市场bedded systems are isolated and kept independent from one another, but the cloud can help bring these systems together to give manufacturers greater visability and operational capabilities.

By Sacheen Patil
Courtesy: GE Digital, New Products for Engineers Database
Manufacturing IT, MES April 16, 2022

Integrate new technologies, MES software

Integrating Industry 4.0 and manufacturing execution system (MES) software can increase revenues, create faster turnarounds, improve quality for manufacturers.

By Sacheen Patil
Courtesy: Yash Technologies
AI and Machine Learning December 9, 2021

How the AIoT makes factories “smart”

The Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) can integrate different types of data and information to give manufacturers a better picture of how everything works in facilities. See four AIoT factors responsible for smart factory growth.

By Sacheen Patil