Paul Garcia, Wago Corp.


Energy, Power November 25, 2010

Application Update: A/C controls handle the heat of a growing shop floor

YH America Inc. cuts HVAC energy consumption using A/C control system, while adding 600 hp of growth, for energy savings and feedback expected to help machine maintenance.

By Paul Garcia, Wago Corp.
员工发展 May 1, 2009

Growing Shrimp is Big Business

In the suburbs of Lansing, MI, far from the Pacific coast, there is a huge tank of salt water filled with many small creatures. Watching this tank, it is not uncommon to see a live shrimp flip into the air. But Andrew Wesolek just shrugs it off. He has seen startled shrimp before. “Yeah, they like to jump,” he notes.

By Paul Garcia, Wago Corp.
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