New advantage: Aras expands PLM partner program

Peter Schroer, president of product life-cycle management (PLM) solutions supplier Aras, says a new partner program holds the key advantage of ..."eliminating the large up-front license expense for PLM software.”

ByManufacturing Business Technology Staff September 19, 2008

Arassays its new partner program holds significant advantages over the traditional product life-cycle management (PLM)/product data management (PDM) partner programs offered byPTCOracleAgile PLM, says Aras President Peter Schroer, “by eliminating the large up-front license expense for the PLM software, which is the most common obstacle corporate customers face when attempting to start a PLM project with a consulting firm. As an Aras partner, the systems integrator and the client company work on strategic business improvements without going through a long, complicated capital budgeting process.”

Systems integrators leverage theMicrosoftskill sets already on staff, and consultants will master the Aras solution quickly because everything is Microsoft-based and there are no proprietary languages to learn. The Aras Partner Program provides structured materials and complete training that enable technical personnel to become proficient quickly.