Digital twin group publishes platform stack architectural framework

The introductory guide outlines central concepts of digital twin systems for C-suite and business leaders and outlines a digital twin's building blocks.

ByDigital Twin Consortium (DTC) July 21, 2023
Courtesy: Brett Sayles

TheDigital Twin Consortium(DTC) announced thePlatform Stack Architectural Framework: An Introductory Guide. The guide, designed for C-Suite and business leaders, provides a digital twin system’s foundational building blocks and central concepts. System architects can use it to enable technology selection through development.

“数字revol双胞胎和实现技术utionizing how we approach even the simplest of tasks, from managing the stock flow in a warehouse to designing, deploying and maintaining a fleet of aircraft,” said Dan Isaacs, GM & CTO, DTC. “Digital twin systems accelerate digitization as they provide organizations the means to operate more efficiently, effectively and adhere to best practices and guidelines.”

The guide discusses the IT/OT infrastructure, virtual representation, service interfaces, applications, and mechanisms for synchronizing real-world data. The guide reviews commonly adopted technological approaches and standards and emphasizes the importance of security, trustworthiness, and governance.

“ThePlatform Stack Architectural Framework: An Introductory Guideanswers fundamental questions such as “What are the critical constituent parts of a digital twin system?” and “What elements take a solution from being a great model or simulation to qualifying as a digital twin?” said Dr. David McKee, Entrepreneur and Portfolio CTO at Counterpoint Technologies, and Co-Chair of the Capabilities and Technology Working Group, DTC. “The guide also helps business leaders and developers understand how to design and architect digital twin systems with best practices for scalability, interoperability, and composability to realize their transformative value.”

该指南讨论了五个matu不一的用例rity levels with examples of how designers can use the architecture in practice. The use cases include buildings as batteries, emergency communication services, manufacturing quality control via remote operator, scope three carbon reporting emissions, and infectious disease management. Technology Readiness Levels (outlined in the guide) help designers understand the technical maturity of a system as it moves through the following stages:

  • Technical modeling and simulation, starting with theoretical models and improving to being based on real-world data

  • Digital twins as individual components based on actual data and validated in the real world through synchronization.

  • Digital twin systems in production and operational environments, with system integration and clearly defined synchronization at a specified frequency

– Edited from aDigital Twin Consortiumpress release by CFE Media and Technology.

Original content can be found atDT Consortium.

Author Bio:Digital Twin Consortium (DTC)