


通过欧姆龙自动化 2020年2月12日

欧姆龙基金会,全球技术和工厂自动化公司欧姆龙的慈善机构,并与加州州立大学的最先进的机器人设备一起制作了一个货币礼品,奇科(Chico State)为一个新的和扩展的机电一体化实验室和课堂空间.


“Omron’s mission is to improve lives and contribute to a better society, and a large part of this effort involves educating today’s students to help solve tomorrow’s problems,” said Nigel Blakeway, chairman and CEO of Omron Management Center of America and president of Omron Foundation in a press release. “We are honored to be able to help the next generation of robotics talent gain the skills necessary to innovate and thrive in the future.”

“我们看到了奇科国家的强烈机会,为一群明亮而勤劳的学生提供了直接与最先进的自动化设备一起工作的机会,这是他们可能在他们的第一个工程工作中遇到的课程,“Robb Black,总裁,首席执行官和Coo说欧姆龙自动化美洲.“我们非常高兴能与该大学及其卓越的工程部门合作。”

Chico State拥有全国机电一体化工程中的第一个认可计划。实验室建设始于2019年夏天,并在2020年春季开放课程。

Chico州立大学校长Gayle Hutchinson说:“Chico州立大学的欧姆龙机电合作实验室将使大学能够建立一个激动人心的前沿实验室,在那里我们可以将学生培养为下一代劳动力。这将是一个合作空间,将激发研究,并对我们的学生、教师、地区、州和国家产生变革性的影响。”

Nick Repanich, a lecturer from Chico State’s Department of mechatronic, engineering and sustainable manufacturing, said, “We need a place where when you’re an engineering student and you think mechatronics and robotics are cool, there’s a place you can come to be inspired, work on projects, and learn about it. You need a place where mechatronics is all around you. We don’t currently have a place like that.”

- 从CFE媒体的新闻稿中编辑。查看更多欧姆龙的故事。
